Tuesday, January 4, 2011

"....and a Happy New Year"

     Hellloooooo 2011!
     As I say goodbye to a decade of memories, I plan on welcoming new opportunities and experiences that await me. I hope to go away to college and take my first big step on my own. I hope to travel the world and see what it has to offer. And I hope to discover new things about myself that I would have never dreamed of.
     I also plan on participating in the healthy act of setting goals this year. Although many New Years Resolutions tend to be unpromising and unrealistic, I've decided to set some goals that I actually plan on achieving. All of you will be my witnesses and motivation to carry out my goals for 2011.
GOAL # 1: Get a Job!
As I grow older, I continually realize how much things cost. I want to be able to save enough money to have a good amount in my savings account before I leave for college next fall. My solution: apply to as many places as possible in the next few weeks and hope that someone will hire me! If anyone has any ideas or hookups, pleeeaaasseee let me know.

GOAL # 2: Save $5,000!
After I hopefully get a job, I want to save at least $5,000 to buy myself a new computer, new digital camera, and a new phone. I want to make sure I'm tech-ready as I enter the "real world."

GOAL # 3: Have a Valentine!
Sooooo.......I haven't had a "Valentine" in FOUR YEARS. I'd really like share the usually depressing holiday with someone sweet. :) ....I know, I'm a sucker for romance...

GOAL # 4: Do Something I've Never Done Before!
I'm sure I experience new things every year, but I'd love to experience something incredible. Maybe I'll go skydiving? We'll see...

GOAL # 5: Get in Shape!
I know that this is EVERYONE'S goal for the new year, but I really would like to get in better shape and just be healthier overall. I'd like to start eating better (even though that will probably never happen) and possibly get a gym membership (again). We'll see...I might need some encouragement from my workout-addicted bestie, Leah. :)

 GOAL # 6: Get Scholarship Money!
With college right around the corner, big figures are coming my way. My goal is to apply to as MANY scholarships and financial aid programs as possible to help me pay for my college education. This means more applications...ugh. Wish me luck!

GOAL # 7: Travel Somewhere Amazing!
I hope to go somewhere Ahhhhhmazing over summer for my senior trip! I haven't exactly decided where yet, but Europe is being discussed at the moment. Wouldn't that be fantastic!? Keep your fingers crossed for me!

     As I bid my final farewell to 2010, I say hello to new opportunities to better myself. Setting goals is the foundation for furthering your position in life. So even if it's something small, set a goal today! After all, if you never give yourself a deadline, you'll never have a way to measure your success. And if you can't measure your progress, you'll never fully know how incredible you are. 

Let's get motivated for 2011! It's going to be GREAT!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Santa Baby!

Only 22 Days Until Christmas!

      Today, I posted my annual Wishlist on the refrigerator door. As I child, my list contained unrealistic items that only Santa himself could bring me. But as I grow older, the money involved in this costly holiday has greatly affected my page-long list. Although it does contain the occasional far-fetched item, I felt guilt as I added my desired gifts bullet by bullet. Our current economy mixed with my growing awareness of my family's budget has made this Christmas more about money than about spreading holiday cheer and spending time with the ones I love. Instead, I worry about how much our power bill will skyrocket and the cost of a Christmas tree. Although these are all responsibilities to consider before blowing a wad to gear up for a single day, Christmas is a time that should bring out the child in all of us. Yes, a $200 tree may seem unnecessary, but the joy and aura it brings to your home during the month of December is irreplaceable and leads to memories that will stay with you for a lifetime. Christmas is not a time about buying material things to satisfy the wants of others; it's a time to give and bring out the happiness in all of us.  

So here's my Christmas list for 2010. And even if Santa doesn't bring me a single one of these items, I'll be thankful for the memories made just by hanging lights and decorating a tree, and most of all, I'll enjoy every minute spent with the people I love...although I do love presents...haha

  • Giftcards: Starbucks, Urban Outfitters, IKEA, Forever 21, H&M, gas cards
  • Audrey Hepburn Movies (All the Ones I Don’t have)
  • A Massage
  • Macbook Cover (If you can even find one)
  • Baby Deer (or a visit to Wildlife Fawn Rescue)
  • I Dream of Jeannie series DVDs
  • Bubble Bath
  • Bath Pillow
  • Bath Robe
  • Shower Cap
  • Eclipse DVD
  • Meet Me in St. Louis DVD
  • Despicable Me with THE official stuffed unicorn
  • Cal Fit Membership
  • Dance Capri's, tights, leotards
  • New Uggs: Women's Bailey Button Triplet in either Deep Atlantic or Grey OR Women's Classic Cardy Tall in Charcoal
  • Classic TOMS
  • New Digital Camera-Nikon Coolpix?
  • Air Card for computer
  • Skinny Belts (modcloth.com has great ones)
  • ANYTHING on my “WANT” Wishlist at http://www.modcloth.com/ 
    • (my account: olivia.bickel@yahoo.com [dancer4])
  • Knitted beanie with flower

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Finding the Perfect Blog Name

When the average person thinks about creating a blog, he/she probably envisions it as a fun, carefree process to dabble with on a rainy day. Before today, my goal was to create a blog when I completely finished all of my college applications. And today, I submitted the final documents to the ten schools I'm applying to:

Chapman University
Loyola Marymount University
University of San Diego
Santa Clara University
University of Southern California (USC)
UC Santa Barbara
UC Irvine
UC San Diego
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
and FINALLY University of Oregon

Already, the process of creating a blog has been complicated. I've spent hours laboring on my computer to submit the lengthy and complex forms that make up these 10 separate application. Just getting to a point where I would let myself create this blog has been hectic. 

So today, I logged onto Blogger and created my account. I already knew I wanted my URL to be www.oliviabickel.com because: how cool is to have a website under our name?! But titling the page was a much harder step. I literally spent an hour looking up how-to articles on naming your blog...yes, I know it's nerdy...haha

Finally, after a lack of creative flow, I titled the page "Not Your Average Baby Doll" after an essay I wrote sophomore year. The lovely thing is (and I didn't realize it when I was initially creating the site or I wouldn't have spent an hour looking up those pointless How-to articles) is that I can change this at any time. In fact, I can change the whole look of the blog at any time. 

Exploring this site and realizing all of the freedom and possibilities was kind of symbolic. You see, the reason I waited to start a blog until after I completed my college applications was because I want to use it as a tool to keep my family updated on my life and my college experiences when I go away. Being an only child, I have no idea how to react to leaving home and living away from my parents. I've never seen a sibling do it nor have I ever done it myself. 

So here's the meaning behind all of this banter:
I stressed about giving the blog the perfect name, just as I stressed to perfectly complete college applications with every "i" dotted and "t" crossed. But I realized after submitting my page name that I can change it later. I have endless possibilities! Even if I decide I hate this post later, I can just delete it!

For me, this mirrors the freedom I'll experience in college. Although it will be something completely new and EXTREMELY scary, I'll push forward into the unknown because college will most likely bring me a lot of happiness and opportunity. And heck! If I decide I loathe the college experience, I always have other options. 

Nothing is set in stone, which is why not everything has to be perfect. Often times, imperfection can be even more beautiful and interesting than perfection is. 

One of my favorite bloggers who actually inspired me to start this blog, Kandee Johnson, always says, "A broken mirror reflects more light than a perfectly put together one." So be imperfect, be unique, and be yourself....no matter how crazy that might be!